ECHO Ministry, Inc.
Empowering Change Hope & Opportunity
Emergency & Transitional Housing
We serve homeless families and single women who are not victims of domestic violence.
Our goal is to provide a safe and healthy emergency home.
We have a structured environment that promotes personal responsibility, respect and cooperation among guests who seek shelter and services.
How Can You Help Us?
Raise awareness about The Ark and homelessness in our community! Many do not realize there is a shelter in Elkin. We usually have a waiting list and cannot serve all those who call us. Homelessness can affect anyone.

Mission and History
Inspired by Christ's example, The ARK Honors and Respect the humanity and dignity of its guests and staff members; affirming that every person is precious in God's sight.
The Ark provides a safe, drug and alcohol free environment for families and single women who are in need of emergency or transitional housing.
The Ark empowers its guests to stabilize their lives by assisting them in obtaining permanent housing and employment.
ECHO Ministry: Empowerment Creates Hope and Opportunity
In 1998, Volunteers at Tri-County Christian Crisis Ministry were the first to recognize the need for a shelter in our community. Jane Motsinger was the head of a Steering Committee to help research and start the shelter.
In 1999, ECHO Ministry receives tax exempt status as 501 c (3).
March 1, 2000: The first guest at The ARK arrives and The ARK has not been empty a single night and by 2002 a larger home is needed!!
August, 2006: After architectural approvals, Magnolia Construction builds the new facility and open house is held on August 28.
March 1, 2015: The ARK celebrates their 15 year Anniversary with an Open House to invite everyone to celebrate serving the community.
November, 2017: The Cardboard City fundraiser was started and has become our biggest fundraisers that brings the community together.

We believe anyone can embrace who they are,
define their future, and change the world.
Our Staff
Laurenn Singleton Pendergraft, Executive Director
Cynthia Cothren, Director of Grants and Fundraising
Cheyenne Sneed, Case Manager
Night/Weekend Managers:
Tracy Mays
Janine Lewis
Brooke Milhoan
Alexis Williams
Board of Directors
Lora Evans, President
Anita Darnell, Vice President
Wendy Thompson, Treasurer
Amanda Brewer
Mitzi Settle
Gabi Robison
Gigi Kakouras
Kim Carter
Asa Yost
Brent Slate
Teresa Smith
Debbie Garner
Portia Hayes
Tonia Goad
*Michael Wilson
*Brittany Russell