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2022 Stats

Guests Served
68 Adults
30 Children
20 Families
 42 Single Women
Operating Income
Operating Expenses

Empowerment: Creates Hope and Change

Staff works with each guest to develop a plan and way to move forward in housing, jobs/income, medical, substance abuse, transportation, and childcare.

1.  First Mission when a guest enters The ARK:  Housing Referrals

Our number one goal is to make referrals to secure a sustainable future housing situation for each guest.  Disability housing, low income housing prove most challenging to fulfill.  

2.  Job Referrals

Many of our guests are able to get jobs within the community at restaurants, PVH, & other factories through Workforce and Goodwill Career Connections.  Transportation becomes a major obstacle in work-related issues.

3.  Finance/Budget Requirements for Guests

We require all guests to give us 1/2 their income for their savings.  In turn, we deposit into a guest savings account and as they depart/graduate, receive all of their saved earnings.  This is an invaluable lesson in life.  It teaches them the power of living within your means and saving funds for future needs.  

4.  Progress Reports

Guests work on their weekly progress report on the weekends. Staff will review with the guests to see how or what progress they have made to move forward in a self sustaining situation.  Staff ensures guests are working on income, housing, medical/mental health concerns, budgeting and moving in a positive, forward direction.



YVEDDI has been a huge help for guests transportation. Many guests are fortunate to have their own transportation, but for most, they can use YVEDDI bus transport within Elkin City Limits.  The Ark staff or volunteers assist with transportation for important meetings that are outside of Elkin if the guest does not have any other transportation.  We always encourage our guests to utilize all possible options.  

Mental Health Counseling

Referrals are made for counseling with or through Grace Clinic.  For one on one counseling we use Daymark, Jodi Province, and other local counselors. We also encourage AA/NA meetings for those who need the support.  

Medical Referrals

GRACE Clinic is a huge blessing to our community.  Most of our guests use Grace Clinic for medical needs at least until we can get them signed up for Medicaid or start a job that offers insurance.  We are working on funding for dental/vision issues.

Education and Training Referrals

We make referrals for guests who would like to get their GED or continue education and/or training to increase their knowledge and salary. We have had 3 children and one adult who has recently received tutoring for Math.  Thank you Brandi!  We also have one guest who is currently working on her CNA certificate.  We are grateful for foundation funds to provide education and tutoring.

Parenting Program

We have a parenting class once a week from a local agency.​  They work through issues that families may have with their skills in parenting.  We require school age children to be in school.

Social Services Referrals

We are in constant contact with the local Department of Social Services.  These issues are critical for the community we serve.

Peer Support

We are excited to have a Peer Support Specialist at The Ark.  We are doing recovery groups, journaling class, arts & crafts, & many other things that are so important in helping each guest succeed.  

Case Management

We offer case management to assist each guest in finding housing.  The Case Manager assists each guest on a weekly basis by completing a progress report.  During the progress report we talk about any difficulties the previous week, accomplishments, where we stand with housing, etc. 

"Like the Biblical namesake, "The ARK" has saved needy" families from

the flood waters of despair and homelessness; riding the rough waves

to the high ground of self-reliance and independence."


Tribune Editorial

April 14, 1999​​

We Need Your Support Today!

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